Due to the U.S. Government freeze on foreign assistance disbursements, IRI has temporarily disabled our website to mitigate expenses. We hope to have our website up again in the future.
Here is a reminder of what IRI stands for and what we do:
IRI’s mission is to advance freedom and democracy worldwide and stand up against an axis of autocracies – including China, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Russia – who are working together against American interests. IRI’s work is fundamental to the national security of the United States as an important part of America’s soft-power arsenal.
Until the U.S. Government froze foreign assistance and NED funding in January 2025, IRI worked in more than 100 countries. IRI promotes free and fair elections, competitive political party systems, legislative strengthening, governance training, individual rights, and religious liberty.
IRI conducts polling all over the world, which helps political parties and governments in host countries, but also informs policymakers in the U.S.
IRI helps the United States win against China by equipping allied governments and partners to counter CCP gray-zone tactics, economic coercion, and attempts to influence political processes and outcomes in ways that undermine American interests.
Autocracies invade their neighbors, export uncontrolled mass migration, generate violent extremism, and destroy market-based prosperity. America’s best allies and trading partners are democracies. Helping countries build the foundations of freedom creates a safer, more peaceful, more prosperous world for Americans.
Dictators are afraid of their own people. Helping citizens have a voice in their country is at the heart of what IRI does to ensure a more peaceful and prosperous world.